Herff Jones will be on campus on January 9th, 10:00-10:15 AM, to present class rings, graduation clothing, and other items. Clay Wren will also go over ordering cap and gowns and the cost.
On January 23rd Clay Wren will be back during High School lunches to take the orders from Juniors for class rings and such, and to take cap and gown orders for the Seniors, as well as other items offer to our Seniors.
This is the ONLY time he will be on campus to take orders for cap and gowns. If you pay that day for the cap and gown the cost will not go up each month. You can place the order and pay when the cap and gown comes in but the cost will go up each month until paid. You can also order your cap and gown at a later date, but, the cost will be at a higher cost.
We encourage all orders to be turned in on January 23, whether paid at that time or not.