Greetings, Jaguar Parents
We have begun our course registration process for secondary students for the 2021-2022 school year. Mrs. Butler, our secondary school counselor met with students in their Language Arts classroom to discuss course options. Students will bring home a copy of the registration form, indicating the courses they have chosen to take next year. This form will also contain information about the registration process and available courses. We ask that you review this form with your child and have your child return the signed form to his/her English teacher. If your child was absent on the day of their classroom presentation, please encourage them to see Mrs. Butler to obtain a course request form.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, you are welcome to contact Mrs. Butler via email at We will also host a registration information session for parents on Wednesday, April 21st, from 4pm-6pm, in the Central cafeteria. You are welcome to join us that evening if you have questions regarding your child’s course selection for next school year.
If your student would like to take dual enrollment courses with Pensacola State College or with Locklin Technical College, they MUST see Mrs. Butler for application and registration information.
We look forward to working with you to create a schedule that best meets your child’s academic needs.
Jennifer Butler
Certified School Counselor
Central School