"Meet the Teacher"
(We're doing a new feature on our page to help parents get to know our teachers at Central.)
Name: Jennifer Butler
Number of years teaching: This is my 17th year as a school counselor. 11 years as a middle school counselor in middle Tennessee and 5 years as a high school counselor in the New Orleans area.
Number of years teaching at Central: First year at Central and loving it!
Subject you teach: Secondary Guidance
Where did you receive your degree? BS in Psychology and M.Ed. in School Counseling both from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN.
Why do you enjoy teaching? I love the relationships I built with students and families. I am thankful for the opportunities to assist student in learning who they are and helping them prepare for the life they want.
What are your hobbies? Reading and photography
Tell us about your family: My husband Daniel is a musician. We moved to Navarre from New Orleans with our dog, 3 tortoises, and 2 turtles.
What is one cool fact about you? I played clarinet for many years and still love all different kinds of music. I’m also a big fan of musical theatre.
Luv this feature! Keep up the GR8 work!