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National FFA Week

National FFA Week starts Monday! Let's have some fun and dress up in support of FFA!

Monday: Denim Day Dress in jeans, denim shirts, denim jackets, etc.

Tuesday: Wildlife Management Day Dress in Camo

Wednesday: Farm Animal Day Dress like a Farm Animal! Horses, pigs, goats, cows, sheep, ducks, chickens, etc.

Thursday: Ag Careers Day Dress like any Career in Agriculture! Can be almost anything! The agriculture industry is so diverse! You could dress like a farmer, lumberjack, veterinarian, scientist, lawyer, graphic designer, artist, photographer, or business person. If you need more ideas, ask Mr. Norris or an FFA member!

Friday: Blue and Gold Day Wear FFA shirts, FFA jackets, or anything that is blue and gold to celebrate FFA week with its colors!

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