Parents/ Guardians and Students,
We hope each of you have enjoyed a wonderful Holiday Break! As we get back to business in closing out 1st semester, here’s a list of important directives and reminders to assist us all in successfully navigating the next two weeks and beyond.
1. Practice COVID safety protocol:
Wear your mask at all times while on school grounds. Remember, your mask must cover your nose and mouth. The continuation of this mandatory expectation includes all individuals attending extracurricular activities. Students eating breakfast and/or lunch, or actively engaged in athletics, band, cheer, or with specific permissions are the only exceptions to this rule.
Social distance whenever possible (parking lots, carpooling, bleachers, buses).
Use water bottle filling stations for daily hydration.
Wash your hands frequently.
Do not touch your face.
Stay home if sick/symptomatic.
2. Important dates:
1st semester exams (middle and high school) – January 12th, 13th, and 14th. Full school days, no early release. Buses run at normal times.
Teacher Planning Day - Friday, January 15th. No school for students.
Martin Luther King’s Birthday – Monday, January 18th. School closed.
Tuesday, January 19th – 2nd semester begins. Students return to school.
3. Students returning to Brick and Mortar from virtual or remote classroom settings:
WELCOME BACK to campus!
You must bring your own mask. Central School does not supply masks to every student. Central School has a small number of donated masks set aside for students in need. Please be vigilant in joining the rest of the student body by having a backup mask on your person or in your backpack to aid in making sure all students have masks available to them. Do this daily.
Bring a water bottle.
Buy a vehicle parking pass from Mr. Raley, if applicable.
See administration/guidance for room locations, scheduling issues, etc.
4. Positive COVID case or contact traced:
Stay home as directed. Student(s) may return to school only when the Department of Health has provided a clearance statement, with a return date, to the student’s family. Parent/Guardian must provide Central School with a copy of the clearance letter/email before approval to return will be given.
We are looking forward to a GREAT new year!
Your Central School Faculty and Staff